WISE Group
Although WISE Group Ltd. is a separate legal entity, the company is founded by the same founder as Matryoshka and constantly shares its' resources as well as values with Matryoshka. WISE Group has developed a revolutionary product that will help in the process of waste valorisation. This product is multifunctional grape pomace additive also known as WISE Additive.
The grape pomace challenge
Each year, the global wine production leaves 13 million tons of grape marc waste. This waste, although very beneficial for humans' health remains unused and wasted. By using a circular economy model, WISE Group has developed an innovative technological process, which consists of valorisation of the grape pomace and development of multifunctional grape pomace additive - The Wise Additive.
The WISE Additive
The WISE Additive is a multifunctional grape pomace additive, which has the role of antioxidant, dietary fiber and natural food coloring ingredient. At the moment food manufacturers use three different additives in their product production process, while WISE represents one product with three different functionalities. Our end goal is to help food manufacturers became oriented towards the 'clean label' trend.
Choose WISEly
By choosing the WISE additive the food manufacturers will not only influence towards our environmental protection movement, but also create healthier products for their end consumers. Moreover, our additive will be produced in our own manufacturing plant.